From the co-developers of S3

Sociocracy 3.0 Learning Journeys

Develop the necessary competence and skills for you and your organization to get the best out of Sociocracy 3.0

powerful whether co-located or remote

Learn how to grow and maintain agile and resilient learning organizations, where both the people and the organization thrive.

Who is this for?

Consultancy Companies

Enrich your toolkit and develop new skills to help your customers learn how to better help themselves.

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Build internal expertise and develop your own tailor-made approach toward improving agility and resilience.

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Change Makers

Better support teams and organizations to navigate complexity, increase innovation and improve performance.

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Move beyond the limitations of prescriptive methods and frameworks and take an iterative, needs-centric approach to organizational development and change.

What's great about our courses

Bite-size e-lessons

Complex topics broken down into absorbable lessons you can read, listen to and watch at your own pace.

Engaging assignments

Actionable tasks and exercises that help you apply what you’re learning in your daily life and work.

Ongoing support

Coaching, mentoring and ongoing feedback - we're there with you each step of the way!

Up-to-date learning resources

All our course content is created and maintained by us and is always based on the very latest version of S3.

Connection to the source

Get to know us, the patterns behind the patterns and about the influences that have shaped S3.

Practical sessions

With most theory covered in e-lessons, live sessions focus on practice, reflection and more practice!

Long-lasting documentation

Review course content and edited recordings of sessions, long after you finish a course.

Tried and tested

Our courses and programs are based on 6 years experience helping others like you, get the best out of S3.


See what others say about Sociocracy 3.0

John Bunch

Senior product, technology, and organization design executive

My background is in the Holacractic system, where I helped to implement it for Zappos and its 1500 employees. I have great respect for both Holacracy and S3 and I understand the differences and benefits of each system. What I especially admire about S3 is the concept of the pattern library and pulling in patterns as they make sense to an organization. Start small and iterate! Based on my experience, changes are much more effective when people 1) desire the change 2) have agency within the change 3) understand the change and 4) are able to take in the change at their own pace. I also admire the deep care for and understanding of the human experience. This is embedded in the principles and is unpacked in the patterns. Specifically, I have seen a lot of benefit in using the "Peer Development" patterns. Where many conventional methods led people to be very guarded and closed off, the S3 patterns enable people to be their own catalyst for maximizing their impact within organizations.

Nora Wilhelm

Co-Founder & CEO - Collaboratio Helvetica, Switzerland

We started practicing Sociocracy 3.0 in the very early days of Collaboratio Helvetica. Not only did it contribute to more efficient collaboration but also invited all of us to look deeper and to understand ourselves better. I believe this is where the power of S3 lies. Artful participation, Consent Decision Making, thinking about drivers and navigating via tension, all take away some of the protection layers or fog “traditional” organizational structures feature around our real intentions and inner condition. In order to collaborate effectively, we have to become more connected and understand where we are coming from, why something might be triggering. I am deeply thankful to James and Lili for the inspiration and their great contribution to this learning field!

Florian Rustler

Founder - Creaffective, Germany and Taiwan

We’ve been using and applying S3 principles and various patterns for over 4 years now. We’ve become more flexible and dynamic as an organization and found better ways of making decisions and reacting quickly. It's dramatically changed the way we work together, with everybody being on eye level but also with everybody being responsible for our success. It's helped us to get rid of decision making bottlenecks as it's more clear now who can make which decisions under which conditions.

Alexandra Mächtel

Head of Human Resources, Jambit - Germany

As an owner-managed and steadily growing company of 20 years, a truly agile treat box like S3 was just the right choice for us. Contrary to other new work attempts, we're able to choose which patterns fulfill an actual need, without completely changing the organizational structure from scratch. We're still experimenting, but more and more including clarifying domains, role selections, driver mapping, artful participation and handling initiatives with delegate circles in our work routines. It's always amazing to observe the smart psychology behind the patterns. Once used to handling collaboration this way, I guess there's no way back - it just doesn't make sense any other way any more!

Pascal Mesdach

Agile Coach - Belgium

Yesterday I facilitated a full-day seminar for the Business Partners HR. Great to see that Sociocracy 3.0 patterns work well in a self-organizing team that embraces the S3 principles. Check-In, Consent, Proposal Forming, Governance Meeting, Role Selection, Retrospective, Meeting Evaluation... were all part of the mix. Thank you for the training and all the free resources! This stuff really works!

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