Discover Sociocracy 3.0

a self-paced e-course

Curious to get started? Discover what Sociocracy 3.0 is, the seven principles and get an overview of what it has to offer.
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This course really helped me make sense of my scattered thoughts about organizations. Learning about Sociocracy 3.0 principles and incorporating them into my daily work and life is already helping me in some ways more than the patterns, which are still very useful!

- past participant -

Learning Facilitators: Lili David & James Priest

Level: beginner

Duration: 3-4 hours

Content: video & text lessons and exercises

Course Overview

Getting started

Welcome to this course!
Course overview
S3 in practice - where, who and why
Take notes inside the lessons

What is sociocracy?

What is sociocracy?
History and evolution

What is Sociocracy 3.0?

⚡Reflect on Four Dimensions
What is Sociocracy 3.0?
Anatomy of Sociocracy 3.0
Key Characteristics
⚡S3 in your own words

S3 and related methodologies

What is Agile and Lean?
How does S3 relate to Agile and Lean?
S3 vs Sociocratic Circle Method and Holacracy

The Seven Principles

Why the Seven Principles?
Continuous Improvement
What if someone doesn't value these principles?
⚡The Seven Principles in your context
⚡One Principle, one conversation

Overview of Sociocracy 3.0

Big picture overview of S3
Recommendations for bringing in S3
Next steps
Course Feedback

This course includes

Regular updates

Sociocracy 3.0 is continuously evolving and so does this course. You'll have access to all the improvements we make to the e-lessons.

Unlimited access

This course does not expire! As long as we're able to do all work required to keep the course up and running, you'll be able to benefit from it.

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Put together very consciously. I highly appreciate the modesty with which the course was prepared. Essentially, S3 is the missing sweet spot between the various commercially successful methods and frameworks. I will definitely use it.

Miriam Suchet, Culture Change-Maker

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The content is presented in video and text format and it's regularly updated as Sociocracy 3.0 evolves.

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